As a functioning mechanism a society must somehow distribute its members in social positions and induce them to perform the duties of these positions.
(1) Certain positions in any society are functionally more important than others, and require special skills for their performance.
(2) Only a limited number of individuals in any society have the talents which can be trained into the skills appropriate to these positions.
(3) The conversion of talents into skills involves a training period during which sacrifices of one kind or another are made by those undergoing the training. (4) In order to induce the talented persons to undergo these sacrifices and acquire the training, their future positions must carry an inducement value in the form of differential, i.e., privileged and disproportionate access to the scarce and desired rewards which the society has to offer
( 5 ) These scarce and desired goods consistof the rights and perquisites attached to, or built into, the positions, and can be classified into those things which contribute to (a) sustenance and comfort, (b) humor and diversion, (c) self-respect and ego expansion.
( 6 ) This differential access to the basic rewards of the society has as a consequence the differentiation of the prestige and esteem which various strata acquire. This may be said, along with the rights and perquisites, to constitute institutionalized social inequality, i.e., stratification.
(7) Therefore, social inequality among different strata in the amounts of scarce and desired goods, and the amounts of prestige and esteem which they receive, is both positively functional and inevitable in any society.
'cause sharing means caring, I've figured out that some of you would be interested in things such as social inequalities and stratification. This also reminds me of some of my midnight discussions with a very -insert word(-s) here- person. :)
mai multe completari asupra temei, altadata.
sleepy kid out. :)
Bun venit acasa, Europa!
Bun venit acasa, Europa! Articol de pe Formula As scris de Aurora Petan
Confirmari stiintifice pentru o ipoteza indrazneata: vechea Europa s-a
nascut in ...
12 years ago
good to have you active once again. Primavara are efectul asta in trebui sa ii spuna "hyper-vara":))
oh shut up... you make me blush. i'be been tolding you that.
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